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Платформа директоров для обсуждения вызовов новой экономики и климатической бизнес-стратегии

Изменение климата и корпоративное управление

Платформа директоров для обсуждения вызовов новой экономики и климатической бизнес-стратегии

Главная E Международные организации E UNFCCC Partnership Outlines Sectoral Visions for Net-zero World

The Marrakech Partnership published a report that outlines pathways for climate action across eight key sectors to achieve the Paris Agreement on climate change. The report finds that rapid breakthroughs in the areas of energy, industry, transport, human settlements, ocean and coastal zones, water, nature-based solutions and land use, and climate resilience are approaching “the tipping points necessary to reach zero emissions by 2050.”

The ‘Climate Action Pathways’ seek to provide a “blueprint” to coordinate climate action by cities, regions, businesses, and investors in the runup to the Glasgow Climate Change Conference in November 2021. The pathways identify the near- and long-term milestones for limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels in each of the eight sectors considered. They provide an overview of “synergies and interlinkages across the thematic and cross-cutting areas that assist all actors to take an integrated approach.”

As an example, the transformational actions and milestones needed to achieve zero-carbon economy for ocean and coastal zones include:

  • Overfishing and destructive fishing practices are ended by 2021, and science-based management is implemented to restore fish stocks in the shortest time possible;
  • 30% of fully and highly protected marine protected areas are designated and implemented by 2030;
  • Resilience and adaptive capacity of ocean-dependent coastal communities (fisheries and aquaculture) are increased, and vulnerability assessments are conducted by 2025; and
  • Stable market of zero-carbon fuels is ensured by 2030.

Speaking at the launch, High-Level Climate Champion Gonzalo Muñoz (Chile) underscored the need for “a major transition, from where we are today to where we need to be by 2050” to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. “[I]t is vital that we have a clear map of the route ahead,” he said.

The Climate Action Pathways, which complement the Yearbook of Global Climate Action, were unveiled during the Race to Zero Dialogues, running from 9-19 November 2020. The dialogues aim to explore ways to drive the systems’ transformations needed to mitigate climate change and build resilience to its impacts.

Led by the UNFCCC High-Level Climate Champions, the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action supports implementation of the Paris Agreement by promoting collaboration between governments and cities, regions, businesses, and investors. It brings together more than 320 initiatives and coalitions, including the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Oxford University, World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and WWF. 

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